Training in Plastics Technology
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ISBN Print:
ISBN E-Book:
3. Auflage
0,00 €
Produktinformationen "Training in Plastics Technology"
This text- and workbook provides a clearly written, comprehensive introduction to the major topics associated with plastics technology, from basic chemistry and processing methods to the problem of waste and the issue of recycling plastics.
Guiding questions at the beginning of each lesson help the reader to work through the material in a targeted manner; success checks at the end of each lesson enable the reader to review what he/she has learned. It thus facilitates independent, self-paced learning, meeting the requirements of modern vocational training.
Guiding questions at the beginning of each lesson help the reader to work through the material in a targeted manner; success checks at the end of each lesson enable the reader to review what he/she has learned. It thus facilitates independent, self-paced learning, meeting the requirements of modern vocational training.