Galois Fields, Linear Feedback Shift Registers and their Applications
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28,99 €
Produktinformationen "Galois Fields, Linear Feedback Shift Registers and their Applications"
Focus on Applications
This book gives an excellent introduction to finite groups and fields as well as their applications.
Readers learn to understand and use galois fields and their relationship with linear feedback shift registers. The book has a strong focus on the technical application of galois fields, such as navigation systems and cryptography.
Includes: Finite Groups and Fields; Working with Galois Fields; Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR); Auto- and Crossrelation Functions; Applications: Navigation Systems, Cryptographical Applications, Channel Coding, Mobile Communication Systems
This book gives an excellent introduction to finite groups and fields as well as their applications.
Readers learn to understand and use galois fields and their relationship with linear feedback shift registers. The book has a strong focus on the technical application of galois fields, such as navigation systems and cryptography.
Includes: Finite Groups and Fields; Working with Galois Fields; Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR); Auto- and Crossrelation Functions; Applications: Navigation Systems, Cryptographical Applications, Channel Coding, Mobile Communication Systems